Instructions for Homework 2020-2021
Note for School Partners
- The school Partners are responsible to ensure the distribution and collection of HW which has been shared by Foundation designed in line with the condensed syllabus notified by SE&LD.
- It should/must reach every child enrolled in the Foundation Assisted Schools from Grade -3 till Grade-8.
Distribution of Homework
- The Head Teachers will call the parents and/or students in school on weekly basis. They are required to make effective plan for distribution by allocating date and time for collection of homework by the students or parents, by following all SOP’s notified by SEF, so that schools shall be not crowded.
- The teachers are instructed to collect the HW back on weekly basis as per designed plan.
Assessment Criteria for Homework
- Marking of HW will be done according to the marking scheme provided by Assessment Unit. The Head teachers will be required to enter the marks in a sheet grade wise and subject wise.
- 20 marks of the Homework will be added in the final examination results on submission of homework.
- Assessment Unit-SEF will require 2% of checked homework selected on random sample basis from the said grades across the regions.
Note for Teachers
- Teachers may facilitate students to accomplish the task by referring to their text books and copies to attempt the homework.
- Teachers to ensure that if any child requires further assistance, she/he helps them on a priority basis by following the all SOP’s especially without
conduction of formal classes.
District Vigilance Committee
- Vigilance committee of the Foundation will monitor and track implementation of home based learning.

This excel sheet that is to record the students’ homework score. Schools may submit it in the same format. The deadline of the submission is 12th January2021.
All the answer keys and relevant material is uploaded on this link